Broken hearts. Break ups. Love can go wrong.
But don’t be dismayed. As they say, there are many fish in the sea.
Here we have a list of quotes that help explain why hearts are so easy to break, and why love sometimes can’t last forever…
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If it hurts more than it makes you happy then take the lesson and leave. It’s okay, some people are only rehearsals for the real thing.Beau Taplin
What is broken is broken – and I’d rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.Margaret Mitchell
I won’t glorify or romanticize heartbreak, for me it was a kind of death and I was forced to keep living.Warsan Shire
When you go through a loss, a disappointment or a bad break up, don’t expect to come out the same. Expect to come out better off than you were before.Joel Osteen
But remember that you have to move on somehow. You just pick your head up and stare at something beautiful like the sky, or the ocean, and you move the hell on.James Patterson
Some people are meant to fall in love with each other, but not meant to be together.500 Days of Summer
Their love was strong, but timing was wrong, and love decided that they didn’t belong.Unknown
Breakups hurt, but losing someone who doesn’t respect you is actually a gain, not a loss.Unknown
Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime.Bette Davis
Don’t be afraid to lose what wasn’t meant to be.Unknown
There is beauty in the death of love; it hides in the mistakes that you know you’ll never make again. Unknown
Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same.Unknown
I can feel you unlove me, and it hurts like nothing like else, I suppose I’ll pick up the pieces, and try to love myself.Unknown
You’re supposed to break up with someone because you’re not in love with them. Not because you’re completely in love with them…If I Stay
If you love someone, tell them… because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.Pamela Daranjo
A broken heart is what changes people.Unknown
The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it…Nicholas Sparks
Sorrow is how we learn to love. Your heart isn’t breaking. It hurts because it’s getting larger. The larger it gets, the more love it holds.Rita Mae Brown
It’s amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces.Unknown
The heart was made to be broken.Oscar Wilde
Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.Anaïs Nin
Love is so short, forgetting is so long.Pablo Neruda
When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.Alexander Graham Bell
For every girl with a broken heart, there is a boy with a glue gun.Unknown
Like some wines our love could neither mature nor travel.Graham Greene
The best way to mend a broken heart is time and girlfriends.Gwyneth Paltrow
When you care for someone more than they deserve, you get hurt more than you deserve.Unknown
If two people love each other, there can be no happy end to it.Ernest Hemingway
For my part, I prefer my heart to be broken. It is so lovely, dawn-kaleidoscopic within the crack.D.H. Lawrence
Break-ups aren’t always meant for make-ups, sometimes, they’re meant for wake-ups.Unknown
Love lasts about seven years. That’s how long it takes for the cells of the body to totally replace themselves.Francoise Sagan
When we are in love, we are convinced nobody else will do. But as time goes, others do do, and often do do, much much better.Coco J. Ginger
To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best.William M. Thackery
Someday you’re gonna look back on this moment of your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You’ll see that you were in mourning and your heart was broken, but your life was changing…Elizabeth Gilbert
Everyone in life is gonna hurt you, you just have to figure out which people are worth the pain.Erica Baican
A broken heart will turn into a stronger one with hope.Toba Beta
Only time can heal your broken heart, just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs.Miss Piggy
Sometimes love means letting go when you want to hold on tighter.Melissa Marr
Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.Herman Hesse
Sometimes, the only soul that can mend a broken heart is the one that broke it. For they are the ones holding all the pieces.Patti Roberts
The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love.W. Somerset Maugham
Maybe part of loving is learning to let go.The Wonder Years
When things break, it’s not the actual breaking that prevents them from getting back together again. It’s because a little piece gets lost — the two remaining ends couldn’t fit together even if they wanted to. The whole shape has changed.David Levithan
[Their love] had burned itself out, like a forgotten candle in an empty room, leaving behind a ravenous discontent.Paolo Giordano
Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.Kahlil Gibran
Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience.Victoria Holt
The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving.Elizabeth Gilbert
Hearts will never be made practical until they are made unbreakable.Wizard of Oz
Of all the lies you told me, ‘I love you’ was my favorite.Unknown
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You can love someone so much… But you can never love people as much as you can miss them.John Green
New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.Lao Tzu
There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love, but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream – whatever that dream might be.Pearl S. Buck